We’re in constant innovation mode—just like you!

Dear Storyworks 3 Teachers,

Since I became the editor of Storyworks 3, I have relied on you, our inspiring teachers, to show me the way. What are your challenges? What brings you joy? How can we help?

We’ve been in touch with many of you, asking, listening, learning, and then implementing changes to Storyworks 3. We are in constant innovation mode, adapting our resources and creating new tools to better fit your needs.

Here are a few of our recent additions that we’re especially excited about:

  • More Learning Journey Slide Decks, which combine stories with videos and resources. Perfect for students to do independently.
  • More tips for remote learning, with a lot of ideas for collaboration and classroom community-building.
  • New Skill Builder Slide Decks that transform Skill Builder activity sheets into engaging learning experiences.
  • More SEL articles plus a new SEL section in our lesson plans.

Please be in touch.


Tricia Culligan

Editor, Storyworks 3


Looking for the Digital Resouce Guide that came with your print issue? Click here!

How to Save a Baby Orangutan

Meet Gerhana and the team of caregivers who saved his life.

Featured skill: Problem and Solution

Fiction: A Recipe for Disaster

Liz cooks up a delicious answer to a tricky problem.

Featured skill: Inference

Paired Texts: Why Are These Chips Sooo Delicious?/The Sweetest Job

Meet the people who make your favorite foods taste so good.  

Featured skill: Synthesizing

Play: Newsies

A historical fiction play about a group of kids who stood up for their rights. 

Featured skill: Theme

Poetry: A Poem From the Treetops

An orangutan’s perspective on humans

Featured skill: Point of View
